After hosting and teaching SI trainings for over 20 years in Vienna, Austria, we believe that we have something to offer in terms of expertise in Ayres' Sensory Integration (ASI) and experience in teaching courses!
That's why we started early on to deliver this enriching learning experience in other countries. We taught our SI certification program SI THERAPY original in Italy, Slovenia, and Poland. We also taught the course series SI ORIGINAL for non-therapists in Macedonia, Slovakia, Poland, and Russia.
At the ENOTHE meeting in Vienna (2005), GSIÖ instructors introduced many aspiring OTs from Eastern Europe and countries of the former UdSSR to Sensory Integration.
It is our goal to meet local needs while keeping our high quality standards and staying true to Ayres' principles of Sensory Integration. According to Ayres, we understand Sensory Integration therapy as "a specialty of Occupational Therapy" (Ayres, 1979, 2005). We are happy to teach the ASI THERAPYoriginal certification program in countries where the medically oriented therapy professions occupational therapy (OT) and/or physical therapy (PT) are established. (Those professions adhering to their world federations' standards.)
In countries where OT and PT are not established professions yet, we provide tailored, profession specific course series from our program SI ORIGINAL to (special) educators, teachers, "teacher-therapists", psychologists or any other target group. These courses enable the participants to recognize potential sensory processing problems and to apply SI principles in their professional setting, be it group settings, classrooms, adults, or consultation.
Please contact us through the contact form on this website or by email to if you are interested in hosting a course or a course series following the GSIÖ curriculum! We are happy to develop an offer that meets your region's professionals' and clients' needs!